Domestic or Personal Laundry
Domestic/Personal laundry
Did you know that the average family can spend up to 8-9 hours per week doing laundry? That's a lot of time spent sorting, washing, drying, folding and ironing clothes and that's not to mention the more "difficult" items such as sports gear or duvets! With our convenient and affordable laundry services, you'll finally be able to see the bottom of that never ending laundry and ironing pile.
Get your clothes looking crisp and fresh with our professional ironing service offering prices as low as £1.24 for shirts. To make life even easier we also offer a collection and delivery service that works around you.
Let us take care of:
• Everyday laundry
• Duvets and bedding
• Sports gear
• Work uniforms
• Curtains and throws
• Tableclothes and other linen
• Wedding dresses
For fast, convenient personal laundry services contact us below.